An important reason to explore new car incentives and rebates on your own is because of a rebate which is not known by all consumers. It is referred to as dealer cash. The difference between this rebate vs. any other cash rebates on a list of incentives is that it can be given at the dealers discretion. A car dealer can choose to give away all or some of this money or none at all. Any of this rebate that is retained by dealer from a car deal goes straight to their profit. Now some stores are real up front about them and roll them into sales prices and run an add campaign that way but I can tell you there were plenty of times I would block it out and act like it didn't even exist if there was one. Pretty crappy of me huh? It's the cold hard truth though, I won't say I was proud of it. If you don't research your incentives before going in to the car dealer at least make sure you bring dealer cash up when discussing new car pricing. You might have to prod and pry but it is likely they will come clean pretty quickly if there is any dealer cash to give. If they are smart the embarrassment and bad word of mouth won't be worth it to them. I am going to go out on a limb here and say most dealers are not trying to retain this money like they used to because the Internet has made the car buying experience far more transparent than it has ever been. Knowing what it is and if it exists on the particular car you are buying though is still absolutely necessary to ensure you are getting the best possible deal you can be. Let me make your car shopping experience easy now by sharing a link to all of the car incentives available in your region.
>>>>>New Car Rebates and Incentives<<<<<
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