Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Credit Life and Disabillity - Financial Car Buying Tips

  Our heath and just our overall lives are often taken for granted by us. Things we usually don't think about let alone want to think about can happen. Credit life and disability insurances are designed to pay toward your outstanding loan balance on your car in the event you die or are injured and cannot work. Pretty morbid to think about I know. It is a valid product you will be likely be presented with in the finance office at a car dealer.

  Like any insurance it is a blessing when you need it and you have it. When you don't have it and need it you wish you had it. Insurance is something none of us like to pay for but it is a necessary evil. I know what it's like to be severely injured, without health insurance, and unemployed all at the same time. I was just damn lucky at that time in my life I did not have a car payment. If I did have one I would have fallen behind real quick. The next time I have a car loan I will be looking into credit life and disability for sure.

 Like any insurance. You need to shop for the best deal. It is most likely that the best deal on such policies won't be found at a car dealership. Just like with some of the other services I have mentioned that are offered in the finance office. The dealer has placed themselves as a middle man and everyone involved between the dealer and the insurance underwriter needs to get paid. The dealer is more or less an affiliate to the credit life and disability programs offered within that store. I will get some links up for some of the more competitive credit life and disability carriers. Until then this is definitely one to shop around for and if you consider yourself to be financially responsible I highly recommend the product.


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