While not all information about the car industry can remain valid forever. Who knows what lies in store for car sales. They have seen many changes over the past years that have changed the business forever. I worked through the credit crisis which drastically changed the amount of folks I was able to get financed. I worked through Cash for Clunkers which drastically altered the used car market and really screwed up things for the car business more than it helped in my opinion. I worked through the gas hike that virtually made used gas guzzlers a dime a dozen for a few years. I also got to see first hand that shopping online and Internet sales departments are quickly becoming a more favored way of doing business for many customers.
The information I pass on in my blog is based on my experience in my years of selling cars. The car sales industry is far from being a "cut and dried" business. There are many variables and not every store operates the same. I do my best to provide any information that may be found useful anywhere though.
I will also from time to time address my opinion regarding certain aspects of the business. My opinions are based on years of seeing various scenarios and the kinds of financial messes I have watched people get themselves into when buying cars. I know what works well and I know what doesn't work well and why.
Being the type of person I am. I could not be happier being out of the business. The fast pace and long hours made life difficult. Fortunately for me, I don't have a family. Family tends to take a back seat to anyone in this lifestyle and I seen that amongst my colleges. I decided well before I left the business that in the long run I could never have this. Not only that, my conscience was never going to be truly satisfied in such and industry. I did not enjoy using "smoke and mirrors" to earn a living. Upon leaving I set out to take what I know and pass it on to the consumer and really try to help some people this time around. I put a lot of people in cars I knew they would never be able to fully afford in the long run along with many more dishonestys.
I just want to try to show some consumers how to buy smarter and manage your money better at your next visit to your local car dealer. There is good information in this blog. Information that should remain credible for years. I want to thank you for reading my blog and congratulate you for finding it. To those who read it I think you will quickly see this was something I truly did and is not someone elses rehashed article. I plan to continue the blog entries until I have nothing left to say about the auto industry. That is a long time from now though. I have a lot of this stuff stored up in my head and it isn't going away. If there is anything in this blog that you find useful, you can thank me by simply passing it on. Email the my url to friends, family, coworkers and etc. That helps me out and makes it possible for me to continued doing this. Once again I want to thank you and good luck with any car purchases you may make.