In the age of information technology we now live in the Internet Sales industry has absolutely blown up for car dealers. Sites like YouTube, social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter , and free classified listings such as Craigslist are making it easier for stores to reach a larger audience than ever before. I myself held this position at one of the stores I worked for and to be honest the amount of inquiries I had to deal with on certain days was quite staggering. It was an extremely fast paced job and for that simple reason I usually had to just "put my best foot forward" when I received an inquiry and just hope. Not to mention that if they were contacting me about a vehicle I had it was fairly safe to assume they were doing the same thing with other stores. As a result of this I very seldom jacked with or tried to play games with anyone on the price of the car if they asked. This was especially true on the new cars. Dealers own new cars for the same money and getting price quotes online for a new car quickly turns into a battle between stores of which one is going to take a $50 deal. It is probably the best way to pit stores against each other on new cars. Now I would often get questioned by upper management when I needed our "best price" on whether or not they were coming in. It took some haggling on my part usually with my manager but I usually got the job done. After all, if the Internet manager cannot give you a reason to physically come in. There is no chance they are going to sell you a car. You will also frequently find that the price you see on a dealership's website may be different than the number coming out of the salesman's mouth out on the lot. Salesman generally carry a price sheet where the sale price is listed for every car but if he is a real savvy salesman he may quote you a number $1,000 or possibly more over that. If he is good at this. I can assure you his manager absolutely loves him.
So what have we learned? Deal with an Internet Manager at a high volume store and he is going to likely going to give you his best shot first or at least close to it. He is short on time and his time is money. He knows how much competition he is up against and wants any deal he can get. No matter how small.
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