I suppose "Earn" would be the debatable term right? You want to know how much a car salesman earns? Most likely more than you with half the education. Enough to probably piss you off if you work hard for a living. I used to be a framing carpenter years ago and it kind of even pissed me off a bit when I started selling. There really could not be a higher potential of income for such a business that requires such little education. My first year of selling cars I made 4 times that what I did as a carpenter. I will say between $50k and $100k. Not bad for a 27 year old guy. Not bad at all.
What if I told you $200k a year wasn't out of the question. Granted there is a small percentage that do this well, at least where I lived. The potential is there though. I had a coworker I used to sell with that made over $25k one month. There are plenty of people that don't make that in a year. Doesn't seem right does it? I agree and that is a big part of why I choose not to do it anymore. Even on the low end it is pretty rare to make less than $50k. If they do they probably won't be selling cars too long. Most veterans you could safely put in a $80-$120k a year bracket.
Now that you know. Let some other poor sap make your salesman's mortgage payment.
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