Make sure you pay your bills and keep your credit score up where it should be for starters. That is the intention of a credit score. To let the world know if you pay back the money you borrow thus rewarding those who do.
Nearly any car dealership has financing available and every single one of them is going to insist that they can get you the best rates in town. While a particular store may have more leverage than others in reference to getting those approved because of their relationship with certain lenders. The fact is banks and other finance institutions can do what they can do. Some finance institutions specialize more in auto finance than others.
So where can you find the bast rates? Now I don't have some spectacular link that will whisk you away to the best rates on the planet. This blog is about transparancy and it just doesn't work that way. Quite honestly, it was very seldom that any finance institutions could top what the local credit unions offered. Most banks cannot compete with the auto interest rates of your local credit unions. More than likely your car dealership has a relationship with them and they can handle the paperwork for that credit union. Saving you the hassle of going to that credit union and getting approved and then going to the dealership from there. Just be sure the dealership is quoting you the rates currently offered by that credit union. In most cases they will because credit unions post their member rates online anymore for the world to see. Online is a great place to compare credit union member rates and you can research this before you go in so you know what your rate should be given you have adequate credit. If credit is good for you. You can probably do much better than big lenders like Chase or Wells Fargo if you keep your borrowing local.
Now of course if there is a manufacturer's special interest rate offered that is going to obviously be an exception to this rule. In the case of standard interest rates though. Credit unions are almost always going to prevail.
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