With technology being readily available and more affordable than ever. I started seeing more consumers coming in over the years with what I call the "folder." It's your ammunition. Your knowledge and all of the research you have been doing. I have also watched this type of buyer develop a stigma. Hell, I'm not going to lie. My shoulders would drop if I saw one coming my way.
Look, when you hop out of your car with a folder packed with all that stuff you might as well be waving your middle finger in the air at everyone shouting "you're not going to make any money on me!" We would all mumble "aw shit" and scatter like mice. Does it mean you won't get a good deal? No, not at all. I don't think you'll get as good of service though. I will say what else I have seen though is a customer get themselves lost in their so well prepared folder that they talked themselves out of a good deal. Rather than bringing along every single print out you felt may be useful, compile the things that really matter and keep it in your pocket. Pull it out later after you have worked some numbers.
Unless you already are dead set on a car you want to keep that salesman giddy and helpfull. Most of all hopeful. Present yourself as a proffessional car buyer, and you have killed their hope right out of the gate and they just want to get it overwith. Some of the smartest consumers I ever had played dumb through most of the process.
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